Mar 25, 2025

Wedding Dress Recommendations - Not Just for Brides!

Wedding Dress Recommendations - Not Just for Brides!
Generally, when you hear about weddings, the main focus is on the bride and groom. Starting from physical preparation, hairdo, to clothing. Indeed, the bride and groom should be the main center of a wedding party. However, the success of a party is not only from the bride and groom alone, but there…

Jewelry Recommendations for Men: Look Stylish and Classy

Jewelry Recommendations for Men: Look Stylish and Classy
Jewelry is often associated with women. In fact, men can also look more stylish and classy with the right accessories. Jewelry for men now comes with masculine, simple, and elegant designs that are suitable to be combined with various styles ranging from casual to formal. In fact, wearing jewelry i…

Mar 23, 2025

Mengenal Persatuan Ahli Kimia Indonesia (PAKI) – Wadah Profesional bagi Para Ahli Kimia di Indonesia

Mengenal Persatuan Ahli Kimia Indonesia (PAKI) – Wadah Profesional bagi Para Ahli Kimia di Indonesia
Ilmu kimia adalah salah satu bidang ilmu pengetahuan yang peranannya sangat besar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mulai dari industri pangan, farmasi, kosmetik, energi, hingga lingkungan, semuanya tak lepas dari peran para ahli kimia. Di Indonesia, terdapat organisasi resmi yang menaungi para profesio…

Mar 17, 2025

Catching Up With Your Long-Distance Partner? Here’s What to Bring for Her

Catching Up With Your Long-Distance Partner? Here’s What to Bring for Her
It's a different feeling when you're about to meet your love after a long time. After weeks or months apart, you want to make this reunion memorable, right? So, the best way is to give them presents that are worthy and made only for them. No matter if you're flying across the country or…